Moths of Africa


Moths of Africa 2

Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae, Hypenodinae (Erebidae)
Evolution of diversity of the African flora and fauna

Editor: Hermann H. Hacker
Authors of volume 2: Hermann H. Hacker, Ralf Fiebig, Barry Goater, Martin Lödl, Aidas Saldaitis, Hans-Peter Schreier, Dirk Stadie and Hermann Staude

44 species of the subfamily Rivulinae, 198 of Hypeninae, 290 of Herminiinae and 30 of Hypenodinae are described and figured.Colour Plates: Ralf Fiebig, Dirk Stadie

Sold and distributed by ESPERIANA Verlag, Bad Staffelstein, Jahnstraße 6a, 96231 Bad Staffelstein, Germany



Vol. 2, 720 pp, including 200 colour plates

Price vol. 2: 165.00 Euro

ISBN: ISBN: 978-3-9820357-2-7

Publication date: 20.01.2021

The review of the African Rivulinae, Hypeninae, Herminiinae and Hypenodinae includes descriptions of 1 genus, 252 species and 6 subspecies new to science.